Thursday, August 22, 2013

Home-a-fying my house part 3: Dining area and PAINT

During our first Tax season living in our house Rusty was concerned about me. I never saw him and was literally stranded with Conner (we only  had one car at the time) all day every day, so he encouraged that I do something non conner related that interested me at least once a day. So I took that to mean design our house!! He thought that was a great idea to keep me busy!
So when I told him I wanted to paint the whole house he just looked at me with a face full of horror. (remember, HE wanted me to do this) Then he proceeded to ask me exactly WHAT was wrong with our walls now. The answer: They're BORING! then I showed him my brilliant idea and even he admitted that it would probably look a lot better. 
My brain storm sketch of the dining area.
So nearly 2 years later On Pioneer day it was finally happening!  we painted painted painted all day long. Rusty was a champ painter helper! But he did say that I'd better love this color because he's never doing this again. And I agree. It was quite the pain. the color is wood smoke by glidden.
we even made sure we took precaution available. (cough) I will say though while I probably shouldn't recommend standing sideways on a ladder over a giant stairwell I DO recommend that little red cutting in thingy. Best dang $2.50 I've ever spent in my life!

yay for TV. I don't know what we would have done without it!
 Since I'm a big old fan of compare and contrast, here is our main part of the house just after we moved in followed by the redo!

The Kitchen

AFTER I got the house all cleaned up for its photo shoot and as soon as I came back from getting my camera this was happening. Sigh. Oh well.

The TV Room

AFTER And we totally planned to have a white accent wall. It wasn't at all due to the fact that that monstrosity we call a TV cabinet weighs 1000 lbs. (give or take?) and we couldn't move it. Nope not at all. I still need to hang curtains and a few other things though. my never ending project.
The Dining Area
My personal fav!

BEFORE That's CONNER, not Soph in the highchair. just fyi

AFTER It might have taken 2 years to finally hop to it but it's SO nice now that it's done! I couldn't be happier!

I'm not sure what's cuter, my new gray walls or that little girl right there!


  1. when I get a house I'm going to have you draw pictures and design my decor.'re great!
