Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sophie's New Best Friend

Conner at Sophie's age. (10 months)
When Conner was little he was the worlds worse nurser. Ok, maybe not the WOSRT because he  actually would if he had to but for the most part he was a bottle lovin fool. I think he was just too busy and had too many places to be to sit and be attached to me for 15 minutes. I remember I would have to chase him around and physically hold a bottle in his mouth while he crawled and played. I was able to breastfeed him until he was about 10 months but by then we were just both done with trying and I was frankly sick of pumping for my whole life so I made the executive decision to do formula for the last couple of months.

One the opposite end, from day 1 Sophie has loved to nurse. And after the crazy nurser Conner was it was so nice to have a baby to cuddle with and eat and bond and blah blah blah. And not having to worry about pumping and cleaning bottles, etc. was kind of nice. In fact, she loved to nurse so much that I was seriously worried that if she had it her way, she would nurse until she was 3. or older! She'd be one of those kids who walks up and says, with words not baby sign language, that she was hungry and then have at it. So if you would have told me just a month ago that by now Sophie would want a bottle of formula over, well, ME! I would have laughed in your face. Actually, I would have bet $1,000,000 that you were wrong and THEN laughed. Well if I would have done those things I would probably be being stalked by a scary loan shark right now because it's TRUE!

I got pretty sick for about 3 1/2 weeks last month. It started out as a cough and I thought I could just deal with it and it would be gone in a week. Well a week later it was worse and I had no voice, and when I did have a voice I sounded like a 25 year chain smoker named Thelma down at the diner (no offense if you are named Thelma and work at a diner) After 2 weeks of this I thought I should probably go see a doc. I haven't been to a doctor for being sick since I was probably in elementary school so I was really excited that I started to get better on my own. But just when I was feeling lots better it started to get worse again :( So I went to a doctor and he said I had bronchitis. Hooray! He gave me some antibiotics and some giant cough medicine and sent me on my way.
She likes to eat with her feet up. I find her all the time just chillaxing with her ba ba.
During that time a combo of the medicine I was on and just being sick in general made my "well run a little dry" "The supply was not meeting demand" if you catch my drift.  And we all know that little miss can't really afford a couple of days while I tried to build it back up, so I supplemented with formula. The first time she tried it she looked at me with this look like "What is the crap? What are you trying to pull on me?" as she drank. But as time went on she decided that it wasn't so bad. In fact, it was a whole heck of a lot easier than getting it from mom. Now, unless she's really tired and can't fight back, she want's nothing to do with "me". So now that I'm feeling better and no longer on medication I could work hard and pump, refuse her bottles, and fix my broken milk machines but why? She's going to be 1 in less than a month and a half (I KNOW! my head is spinning just as fast as yours) so why work so hard when I'll just have to wean her as soon we get everything back to normal?  So even though formula is sooooo expensive and despite the fact that I am single handedly threatening her intellectual future, I have decided to pretty much stop nursing her.  Bright side though, I think she might be eating more since she's been on the bottle so that might just help with  Operation:FATTY!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Wes got my milk via pumping for 6 weeks and I just couldn't handle it any longer. New baby has always been on formula. You had a Great run!!
