Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Goodbye Old Friend

On Saturday I sold my camaro. This car wasn't just any old car, it was my FIRST car. It got me through High School, College, marriage and a baby. Granted it was falling apart and even if the teeny tiny back seat could hold a car seat I probably not risk driving my baby in in for fear it would blow up, but still, it was there. So after 8 long and happy years together it is gone for a measly $450 bucks. But I think it went to a good home. It went to someone who will love and take care of it and is willing to dump the cash into it to fix it that I never would. So dear Camaro, thanks for an adolescents and young adulthood full of fun and transportation. and sorry I'm so cheap and didn't fix you myself.

1 comment:

  1. that's sad it's gone.... but I'm sure it will be safer for your baby! Your baby is so cute! He's getting so big!
