Thursday, February 24, 2011

Operation: Fatty UPDATE

So it has been 7 weeks since Operation: fatty has commenced and I thought we were doing so well! and we did OK...I guess. Conner now weighs a whopping 16lb 11oz. almost 17 pounds! hooray! (he was 15.2 when we started) Still not on the chart though:( But the doctor wasn't TOO worried since he was going up on his little graph thingy instead of an almost horizontal line like last time. We bought some pediasure knock off stuff and carnation instant breakfast to mix into his milk (I heard that it's pretty much the same thing) and we're gonna be Bill Nye the Science guy and do an experiment with them to see which one adds more chunk to him.

So operation: fatty is still in the works. we'll see where he fall on the chart at his 12 month apt next month.

Speaking of his 12 month appointment, can you believe he's almost a year!!!???!! I sure can't. It went by pretty darn fast if you ask me. Of course, with him being small I can always pretend that he is still little with him and his 6 month clothes. He even has a few of his 3 month things that still fit him. little kid. Plus when I go out with him people are like

"oh, he's so cute. how old is he? 4 months?"

"no, he's almost 11"

"oh...uh...well he'll grow"

thanks, thanks a lot sir.

That is the conversation that took place last week at the grocery store. (and I've had many other similar ones before too) what can I say, I guess looking young just runs in the family. But I DOOO have to consider that most of the people guessing were boys and, well, boys are just not so good at guessing how old babies are. Unless they are a doctor, then maybe.

so that's it. wish us luck on phase two of Operation: FATTY

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Baby Face

No I am not talking about the once maybe famous 90's singer (who honestly I don't really even know what he sang....I just remember the name) or even my cute little guys face. No, I am talking about mine.

I was called to be a YW Beehive advisor about a month ago and it's been pretty darn fun. We had combined young women's last night and we made pajama pants to teach the girls the magical skill of sewing. There was a girl there who I had never seen before that night and I was helping her figure out her pants and we were talking and I was trying to get to know her and after a while of talking well, here's what happened:

Leader: "MaryAnne, where's your baby tonight"

me: "oh he's with his Grammy"

girl: "you have a BABY?"

Me: "yup. He's almost a year!"

Girl: "holy cow!"

other girl: "If you and your husband ever want to go out I'll babysit! He's so cute!" (I can only assume she was meaning Conner)

Girl: "you're MARRIED!"

Me: "uh...yeah!"

Girl: Flabbergast and confusion "wait, how old are you?"

Me: "almost 25"

Girl: "I didn't know you were a leader! I thought you were our age!"

So friends, the moral of this story is that I apparently look like I am 14 years old. Which means when I am 60 and everyone is looking old and fall aparty I will still look young and lovely. jealous anyone? I thought so.

PS So thanks to google I searched babyface songs because I was curious. Still didn't really recognize any but they were SO 90's with the little bell things in the back ground and synthesizers and such. ha!