Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Fair Babies

Looks like I just do monthly posts so here's the post for August!!

Baby Baby
I'm officially 35 weeks tomorrow! crazy! Things are going really good. I've been having an ultrasound every week for the past month or so just to check things and make sure nothing scary creeps up but everything's been perfect so far! They say she's measuring about 2 weeks small size wise, but developmentally she right on track. I'd post pics of the US but she always has her face smooshed up against the wall every time we try to take a pic. so she looks like an alien squishy thing. Too bad. But maybe that means she will be a cuddly baby instead of my very anti-cuddle, only snuggles when he's about to throw up, son.
This pic was taken last week at 34 weeks. Getting bigger!

Down at the County Fair
Conner and I went to the Davis county fair a few weeks ago with some other ladies in the ward. We all entered our kids into the cutest baby contest and I was pretty sure Conner would win because let's be honest, he WAS the cutest baby at the fair. But they must not have seen him because he didn't win a darn thing:( but he did get a little sand bucket and shovel which was a win in his eyes!
Standing up on stage being judged. we probably didn't win because he had this stone cold look on his face the whole time. Maybe I should have put vaseline on his teeth.
 Next we went to the petting zoo thing. Conner had fun seeing all of the animals up close.

Eventually he and his little friend decided that it was way more fun to sit on the ground and pick up the little black marbles on the floor. That was our cue to leave!

On the way home! Still smiling after being forced to be in a beauty pagent, walking around in 100 degree temps and missing a nap. What a trooper! (and don't worry, the black on his face is from a cookie, not from the magical marbles in the petting zoo)
A trip to Logan
We went to Logan a weekish ago for a baby shower for a friend and a fun day of visiting friends we hadn't seen in a while.
Conner and Daddy had lots of fun riding around on the scooter!

Who knew grocery shopping could be so fun!
Also on Saturday I had a baby shower that some great friends in my ward threw. I have absoutly no pictures to show for it but it was lots of fun and I got some cute little girly clothes:) I still need to get some more clothes and do some other things to get ready for this baby but I think we're getting there! I should hope so since I'm one week away from the magical time of  "I could explode at any time" 36 weeks. I totally wish that the nesting thing kicked in sooner because I have lots to do, I even wrote a list yesterday so I could cross things off as motivation to do it, but all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch Conner play with a cardboard box.  oh well.
Oh and also we bought a second car this month! Yay! We have only had one car since we have lived here so I've been somewhat stranded during the week days at the house. But now I can venture out during the days which is super duper exciting! I keep forgetting to take pictures of it but it's a silver  '05 Chevy Malibu. And if you are like me and that means nothing to you it just looks like a little silver car.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Spewing forth Ruffles

I was totally going to wait until the whole nursery was done to show off my curtains but they're just too cute not to share!
I have had these curtains in mind for a nursery even before I was preggo. So it's a good thing little girl turned out to be a little girl because one of two things could have happened, 1: I wouldn't get to make my brain child creation curtains and would have been sad, or 2: a little boy would grow up kind of messed up. They weren't  too hard, even for me who is definitely no sally seamstress. Just a LOT of straight lines. They took forever considering I could only work on them during C's naps but now the curtains are done! and I think they turned out mighty cute if you ask me!

And while we're looking at cute baby things here's a suuuuper cute blanket my sis made for me.