Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Spewing forth Ruffles

I was totally going to wait until the whole nursery was done to show off my curtains but they're just too cute not to share!
I have had these curtains in mind for a nursery even before I was preggo. So it's a good thing little girl turned out to be a little girl because one of two things could have happened, 1: I wouldn't get to make my brain child creation curtains and would have been sad, or 2: a little boy would grow up kind of messed up. They weren't  too hard, even for me who is definitely no sally seamstress. Just a LOT of straight lines. They took forever considering I could only work on them during C's naps but now the curtains are done! and I think they turned out mighty cute if you ask me!

And while we're looking at cute baby things here's a suuuuper cute blanket my sis made for me.


  1. Adorable!!!! Great job! You should Mage a shower curtain just like it!

  2. Those turned out so cute!! Awesome job!

  3. Seriously? those are adorable! Where's mine? :)
