Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Even MORE Adventures!

My oh my I'm behind on my blogging, and it's only been a month! But it's been suuuuper busy. Lots and lots of pictures, you've been warned.
Baby News and Big Boy Beds
As far as baby things go we got the nursery completely painted just before the 4th of July. Well I actually just lied, we got all but the stripes painted and then the next weekend we did those. I was allowed to stand outside in the hall and take pictures and supervise because I'm crazy.

Tada! pretty cute if you ask me!
 Now the hard part...telling Conner that it's time to give up his beloved crib (and possibly his naps. oh no for me!) for a big boy bed. We told him that it was time for him to share his crib with his baby and that he would get a new big boy bed! He helped take it apart, move it out and put it back together. He was so excited. The whole time he kept saying "baby coming!"

The ruffle curtains in progress that I'm making. I'll post when they're done!
Helping put together his big boy bed. Sorry I don't have a finished pic. silly me!  We got this bed from Rusty's parents. It's old as old but it works and Conner loves it. We haven't had any problems! He naps great still (thank goodness!) and he even stays put until mom or dad comes into his room to get him when he's awake!
And last but not least the side shot for the month. 30 (almost 31!) weeks and counting! Gosh I really hope this gray and white striped shirt can handle another 2 mohths!
Dr things are going ok. I failed the first glucose test (the orange drink thing) so I had to go back and do a 3 hour test. I had to fast for at least 6 hours before hand (but I just went in the morning so I fasted from dinner the night before on) and basically I had my blood drawn and then had to hurry and drink the melted Popsicle drink and then had to come back every  hour for the next 3 hours and get poked each time. Not too fun. I took Conner with me and we just ran errands in between since we had the car and then afterwards I treated my starving pregnant self to Cafe Rio. so it was all totally worth it! (sort of) Luckily I passed that one so I don't have to worry about gestational Diabetes, but my doc still wants me to be careful of what I eat just to be safe since I failed it the first time.

I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago and she's measuring small (surprise surprise) but still in the normal range. and that's about it!
4th of July Festivities
For the 4th we went to the annual Oakley parade and rodeo with Rusty's fam.

At the parade


Conner's first ice cream cone. He did great and loved every bit of it 

messy face

This is Conner's loot from the parade. He's pretty protective of it.
Later that day we played with water with cousins in the backyard. Lots of fun!

At the rodeo

Outside Adventures
We have been love love loving our backyard. It's so nice to let C just run around out there.
He loves his "big truts" and rocks.

We got him a little pool and he loves it! Conner calls it "Connie's turdie poo"

Playing with daddy
Conner won a giant lolly pop at a carnival we went to a few weeks ago. He ate the whole thing (and then was up all night)

For the 24th we went camping (we went in the morning) with my family to my uncle's Yurt up in Heber. My sister Angie also came to visit from Vegas as well this last week but silly me didn't take any pics of any of it! But it was fun for Conner to see his cousin he doesn't see very much. Thanks for visiting Ang!

And that's what we've been up to! It's been busy but lots of fun. 


  1. Looks good. You are looking great too. Good luck. i hate the glucose test~!

  2. I love those curtains so much! I want you to come help me make some. In your pregnant state. Haha...

  3. I am so excited to see the finished room! The stripes are awesome! And Conner is so big! Holy cow. I'm glad he transitioned to the "big boy" bed well!
