Monday, July 2, 2012

Compare and Contrast

Alright, so I know that I say it every time that I update about this pregnancy but here is living proof that I am way more huge and elephanty this time around than with Conner.
Not that I'm complaining because I love love love my (not so) little bump but I'm pretty sure I'm almost to the size that I was when I HAD Conner.

So anyway, I haven't updated the pregnancy for a while and because I know you all want to's going great! we're down to 3 more months! crazy! I had my dr apt 2 weeks ago and my blood pressure's been so fantastically amazing she took me off of my stinky bug meds! I'm so excited! I had to make an appointment for 2 weeks later (which would be today) and still monitor every day but she said that I could cancel it if it was good. I canceled it on Friday :) So hopefully everything will go well from here on out.

So anyway, in other baby news, because of my Pre-E history I will be having an ultrasound at every appointment to check growth, etc. to make sure that we catch anything bad before it happens (if it happens) Which I'm not one bit sad to peak and this little girl every few weeks!

Also, after this next appointment (at 28 weeks) in 2 weeks I'll start going in every 2 weeks for the rest of the time instead of just the last monthish.

We also are planning on painting the nursery this week!:) We started clearing it out (because it currently is the scary "out of sight out of mind" room) and yesterday I even started taping it off! Hooray! I'm kind of super control freak with it comes to my artsy/decorating visions and since I'm not allowed at all to paint (I'd be surprised if Rusty lets me even be inside when he paints) at least I can make sure it's taped good! If all goes according to plan we (Rusty) will start painting it tomorrow:)

Yesterday Conner pointed to my tummy and said "baby coming" which was Soooooo cute. I still don't know if he knows what's going on because then he pointed to Rusty's tummy and said "baby" but it was still cute.

And that's the baby updates for now!!!


  1. You still look great, even if you are bigger than with your first!

  2. You look great! Every second baby is always bigger. With everyone. Good luck with your appointments and the nursery!
