Thursday, April 4, 2013

Operation: FATTY revival

Don't let that big belly or those chubby cheeks fool you. Little Miss Sophie, just like her brother, is an itty bitty thing. 
Both Conner and Sophie had their well check visits to the doctor on Monday. Conner for his 3 year and Sophie for 6 months. and the stats: (drum roll please....)
Sophie: 24.8 inches long which is the 16%ile
        13 lbs = 9%ile
Her head is 41.2 cm (whatever that means in American) 15%
She isn't quite as little as Conner was, yet. At least she's still on the charts! But we still need to try our darndist to get her a little fatter. 

So instead of just letting her eat her toes we'll probably just have to start feeding her real food. dang it.
 Here are her first bites of rice cereal that she ate YESTERDAY! mmmmm she seems to like it! Maybe we'll have her rolly pollying soon!
So Mr Conner isn't doing as well as we hoped he would too. But he is on the charts so that's a plus! He's 35.6 inches tall (11%) and 26.4 lbs (5%) So we've got a little work to do. I'll be the first to admit that we've been slacking in the Operation:FATTY department since Sophie was born but it's time to start feeding him ice cream drizzled in melted butter again (disclaimer: I really never did do that) so back on the wagon we will a-hop with one more passenger!

See he's already eating more already. all we have to do is stick him in front of the TV with some cereal and he'll mindlessly eat it. I'm a genius mommy!
So anyway wish us luck on our Fatty Fat journey!

1 comment:

  1. I have that same problem with Weston! He's in the like 3rd percentile for weight... Oops. They don't seem worried about it, so I guess that's a plus. Good luck! They are so cute.
