Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Operation: ALLERGY

We've always known that little Conner has allergies. Not sure where he got them from since there is hardly any family history (at least immediate fam) of any food allergies but He's been known to be allergic to peanuts from the day after his first b-day and we gave some to him and ended up with hives and swelling and wheezing all over the place. (so scary!) and egg whites came back positive during a blood test that was done when he was about 16 months old. Which when we cut eggs out he magically stopped throwing up ALL the time. Which was really nice. But I've never known what else he was allergic to. I was pretty sure he was allergic to dogs because every time one licks him he breaks out in hives in a tongue shaped red blob and he always breaks out and gets swollen eyes when he's around hay/weeds. But I never knew what else. I've  always been scared to give him foods and I kind of wanted to be in front of an emergency room whenever we tried something new.
So anyway, last week, after being on a waiting list for like 2 1/2 months we finally got in to see the allergist to do some testing!! hooray! Conner was the biggest trooper ever during the test and never complained! except to say that he was tired of sitting still. (15 min) I'm sot sure I've ever seen him in one place for so long! :)

So there's his sad little scratch test. Thankfully only like 2 or 3 of the big scary looking ones are food. Most are environmental things.
Here's what we learned:
He is, no surprise, allergic to peanuts. that was the biggest one at 20/40 (not sure what the measurement means but that's what it was!)
Pecans came in at 15/30. so another biggie
Almonds was 7/15
and he's slightly allergic to walnuts and hazelnuts, wheat and soy (those ones not so much that we need to cut them out. they were like 2 or 3/somethings)
Good thing I hate nuts in general so it's not like a sacrifice to take them out of our diet!
and not allergic at all to brazil nuts, cashew's and pistachio's! and he's thankfully not allergic to milk and magically grew out of his egg allergy! which makes me SO excited!

Unfortunately he was allergic to everything that they tested for environmental. with those they measure different than foods on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the most allergic.
3+ trees
5+ timothy grass (whatever the heck that is)
5+ weeds (sagebrush, ragweed, etc)
3+ cats
5+ dogs
5+ horses

So anyway, there's my allergic boy :( I'm glad that he's not allergic to more food though. I was worried about having some gluten thing that seems to be all the rage with kiddos these days. Doc said that if we bring the other kids to his next appointment he'll check them, free of charge, for the peanut allergy to just ease my mind. so nice!

We also talked a lot about his eczema that he's had since 2 months. Doc said that while most people think it is associated with allergies really has nothing to do with them! It is a disease of this skin where these is no cure, just management. But yay! most kids grow mostly out of it! It is skin that is kind of missing some element to keep moisture in and bacteria and junk out. He explained it as being like a brick wall without any mortar. He said that if we took a culture of C's skin it would probably grow some sort of staph bacteria. awesome. So he prescribed some antibiotics to kill that icky stuff and we are now on a new regiment of taking three 30 min bleach baths (bath water with some bleach and a ton of salt) a week and are trying a new lotion (cera ve) in addition to his steroid creams. So far it seems to be working!

We also will be talking at later appointments about asthma. woo hoo! the list keeps growing! He doesn't have it bad, but it seems like whenever he gets a cold or is being one with nature in a lot of weeds he gets really wheezy.
Aside from the peanuts (which he will probably never outgrow) hopefully he will outgrow lots of these, or at least get better as he gets older.
It breaks my little mommy heart to see his have to go through all of this but C is such a little champ! I don't know if it's because he sadly doesn't know any different, but he never complains about all of his little problems and always has such a happy attitude! love you Conner bud!


  1. Don't ever get a small animal, like a guinea pig. They eat Timothy hay. So do rabbits and chinchillas. Sorry to hear about your little guy. Hopefully he'll grow out of some of those allergies.

  2. So good to know from the allergy test! And that's nice there's not more food allergies! I'm glad the eczema is getting better! And yes, it does get better with age. My dad, brother and I had it really badly when we were younger. My dad was even hospitalized from an infection from it. But we don't really have any problems with it now! Except dry, cracking fingers in the winter for me. ;) yeah for getting your other kids tested for free too!
