Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chunky Monkey (at least to me)

So we went to the doctors for Conner's 2 month check-up (holy cow! 2 months!) on monday the 24th. We found out that he now weighs 10lb 4 oz and is 22 inches long. (a reminder when he was born he was 5lb 10 oz and 19 in) He basically jumped from the 2 %ile to the 23 %ile. Way to go Conner! He's still on the small side and is still in newborn clothes and diapers (although I think he's barely starting to fit in size 1) but now he's at least bigger than only 1 little boy out of 100.

So anyway, I thought it would be fun to show the difference in his doubling of size. The top picture was taken when he was just 6 days old and the bottom was taken at 8 weeks old just before his Dr appointment. I think most of his weight is in his chunky thighs.


  1. It's all in the thighs, Maryanne! Cuuuuute. When he gets bigger, let's have a playdate!

  2. So cute! Paul has gone from the 50th percentile, to the 25th, to around the 10th... At least Conner is moving up! :)

  3. Its not like you guys being the small little people you are would ever have a baby that is in the 100th percentile! He does have quite the chunky little legs though!
