Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tales of a Little Man

Hi everyone! My name is Conner. I am 7 weeks and 1 day old today! I am getting so big. A lot has happened since I came home from the hospital 6 1/2 weeks ago and since mommy isn't very good at blogging I decided to take it into my own hands and let you know what's going on in my life.

This is me and mommy and Daddy when I was just 6 days old. It's our first family picture where mom didn't look like she had just gone through 8 hours of labor. It was also my very first Easter and even though I was early and the Easter Bunny wasn't expecting me he still brought me a basket! how nice!

This was my first bath at home. I wasn't so sure at the time if I liked it or not and I'm still a little scared of them but I'm warming up to them with each one.

We had a lot of visitors come the first few weeks that I was home. These are my cousins on daddy's side. Someday I'll be as big as them. I'm sure we'll be such good friends.

A week later mommy's family came to visit. I accidentally slept through their whole visit but I'm sure they are very nice people.

Here is me and Aunt Angie and Uncle Roy. They came all the way from Las Vegas to visit me! I'm pretty special!

Me and Uncle Zach.

It's Grandpa!

Mommy thinks I have so many faces. One of my favorite faces I pull all the time is my zoolander face. I think I have a pretty good shot at being a really ridiculously good looking male model.

I still really like to sleep during the day but I've started sleeping during the night a lot better. My mommy and daddy sadly had to kick me out of their room when I was 3 weeks old because I made too many noises while I slept for my mom to sleep. I was a little scared for a few minutes but now I love my own space and sleep, well, like a baby! (at least for 3 or 4 hours before I get too hungry)

Even though I sleep a lot during the day I have started being more awake. I have this seat that I LOVE to sit it. Get this, it bounces, vibrates AND has lots of bright toys hanging from it. What more could a kid ask for?

This is what mommy and Daddy are sending to friends and family to tell them that I was born. I'm glad that they don't make me sleep in this basket all the time. It's a little small.

All in all I'm doing pretty well. I have to go to the doctor's on Monday for my 2 month check up and mommy says something about I have to get shots? I'm not sure what those are but I have a feeling that lots of cuddling will follow them.


  1. He is such a cute little guy, i love the announcement!

  2. He is too cute. I just love his zoolander face!I did the same thing with Brynlee, at two weeks, she and I slept MUCH better!

  3. Super cute post MaryAnne! Loved the pics! We need to play... soon!

  4. I loved this! I really need to come visit you but so much has come up lately. Including my phone dying. Anyway, I'm so happy for you :) and glad things are going so well.

  5. Cute boy! Love the Zoolander face.

  6. So fun! Can't wait to meet you in person little man.
