Monday, September 12, 2011

MaryAnne MaryAnne quite...contrarian?

How does my garden grow? All by it's self apparently.
Here is the sticker patch that we call my backyard. It looks like a normal pile of weeds at first glance right? but look closer my friends at the left hand side just before the fence ends...see anything?

It's SQUASH!  
I noticed its sudden appearance forever back and thought "awe it'll die soon" Especially after we sprayed the whole backyard with round-up. But has it? NO! I would like to not so subtly ask for an apology from all of the people, who shall remain nameless, who think I can't keep things alive. I have a crazy little boy and now squash that, despite not watering or weeding and spraying it with weed killer, has thrived. HA! Please note that it is only the squash that I spray with poison and don't feed.

If I can produce such awesomeness on accident just think of what I could do if I tried?! I'd never have to go grocery shopping again!

1 comment:

  1. Go for it! I'm surprised at how much pops up from just a little bit of work in a garden.
