Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Operation: FATTY and the big 0-2

Well friends, I have a TWO YEAR OLD! Conner turned the big 2 on Thurs. March 29. He got lots and lots of phone calls from everyone he knew and by the end every time the phone would ring he would start freaking out and running around screaming because he was so excited that someone else called (or maybe he was just excited that he could hold the phone again) Pretty funny.
I couldn't help it, here is a pic of him on his 1st b-day. He's gotten so big!
We didn't do too much for his actual b-day since his daddy is pretty darn busy with work this time of year (my goodness what was I thinking having a spring baby? oopises!) but we are planning on having a family party with grandparents and aunts and uncles etc sometime after April 15th.

Operation:FATTY Update
SO, we went to the doc today and the big weigh in reveal..........ready?!?!
23 lbs!! a.k.a. the 4%!
Last time he was 20 lbs and in the 3% so we're making progress! He is also 32.5 inches tall which puts him in about the 10th%. He got to stand on the big boy scale and be measured against the wall instead of the baby ways so he thought he was pretty big. We also stepped up a size in diapers this week moving from size 3 to 4 :)

Conner is such a funny kid. He definitely has a little personality in him. Here's a TON of pic from this past year to show it off.

He likes to smile! He's good at that one. oh, I just noticed the giant snot running down his nose. I guess it just shows that he can still be cute even when he's disgusting.

He's SO done with his high chair. About 2 months ago he just decided that he was way to much of a big boy to be in it. Now he sits at the table on a regular chair with us. Except now the high chair is just sitting in the corner of the dining room waiting for me to clean it off so I can put it away...but as you can tell it has seen some pretty wild battles making it not so appealing to clean off, so there it sits.
He's really good at making messes. I guess that means I'm really good at cleaning up messes.

He LOVES animals, (puppies especially) although it doesn't really look like it in this pic. But it was the only one I could find that had a four legged friend in it.

He can get his parents to do pretty much anything. (and I think he knows it) 

He loves the water and the sink. He usually just stands there with a toothbrush, but he went through this ice-cream scoop stage for a while...

He loves to Play his da dar (guitar) We even had to have it out so he could play with the MoTab during conference. This picture is a perfect example of what he looks like most of the time. 
I think he's seen mommy do her hair one too many times.

He loves to color, but we're thinking he might just be a lefty. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'll admit I'm a little nervous because I hear that it's harder to teach them certain things. Not to mention they're kind of annoying to eat by. Guess he'll be sitting on the end of the table!

We still have to lotion him up morning and night because of his eczema:( (hence the giant blob of lotion on his forehead) But he's a good little sport about it (most of the time)

He also loves to eat toodies (cookies) and nana's (fruit snacks)
He likes to play with his ca-dars ("cars". He likes his toy ones but he would much rather sit in a real car and "drive" it. He even knows where the key goes!! better watch him! yikes!)
He talks and talks and talks, but nobody, even me, has a clue what he's saying most of the time. someday...

So anyway, that is our 2 year old Conner in a nut shell. He's so much fun to have around and we love him sooooo much! He definitely makes life interesting:)


  1. He is such a cute kid! A little one for sure.:)
    Brynlee is left handed and it does make for some interesting situations. I am still learning to deal with it.
    I love the pics, especially the mess one, I think all boys are professional mess makers.

  2. He is adorable! Happy Birthday Conner.

  3. Oh my goodness, he just gets cuter every time you post!!

  4. So cute! Good job fattening him up. I love the pictures!

  5. MaryAnne, you seriously crack me up! I love reading your blog updates because you are so cute, and I love your sense of humor! You seem to be upbeat and positive about everything! And seriously, what a cute kid!! Happy Belated Birthday Connor!
