Friday, July 12, 2013

I said a-Bang Bang Bangaty-BANG

When Sophie was a baby baby all of her hair fell out...except for the stuff on the top. She had a sad sort of faux-hawk thing for a little while.  This following pic was taken when she was...oh...4 months old and the peak of her side patterned baldness.
The final result at age 9 and some change months is reeeeally long hair on the top and normalihsness on the sides. Now I'm a sentimental fool. Everything that my babies go through is a BIG DEAL. That being said, I have this weird mentality that once my kiddos get their first hair cut than they're not babies anymore. With Conner I refused to give him a haircut until he was a year.
But this craziness  just had to go.
It can't be fun to have bangs down to your nose in your face all the time. Not to mention blowing everywhere when you just want to play with the AC vent. Even if I swept them to the side they still made their way back down to crazyness in a few minutes. I'm not at all admitting that she had her first hair cut. Let's just call it a Bang Trim. since that's all we did. Then I can be happy and she can remain a baby for a little longer without the annoying hair in her face.
Getting ready for the cut. Mommy's kind of sad. And Conner's oddly happy and camera smiley.
First snipity snips!

There they be.

now she kinda looks like a boy :( But at least a very cute boy. better stick the biggest bow I have on her.


 So there ya have it. Sophie's first BANG TRIM. not Hair Cut. I'm sure she feels lots better now!


  1. Bahaha I love the title of this blog. And I totally understand. Ivy has a really not very cute mullet going on that just needs to be straightened out, and I just can't do it!
