Well, I guess it is time for my monthly blog post since that seems to be the trend. I would like to say that I really do TRY to write more than once a month, but really I don't. Maybe it will be my new goal. hum...we'll see. So LOTS has happened this month. shall I write a list for you? I think I shall.
1. Obviously we moved. It has been so great! We ended up moving on Saturday (referring to my last post) and got everything moved in about 30 min. We are still slowly unpacking everything...but that's to be expected. But oh man, it's so nice to have our own place again.
2. Conner got his stitches out. I guess that should have been #1 since he got them out 2 days before we moved. It was pretty traumatizing though. He was being held down and they were bringing scissors close to his eye and it was super sad. But we bought him some new little toy cars for being so brave and that made it all better. Oh the joy of bribing your kid to be happy. It is healing nicely. As long as we rub Vaseline on it every morning and night and sunscreen it and wear a hat (good luck) for the next 2 years it shouldn't be too noticeable!
3. Operation: FATTY update, we went to his 15 month Doctor check up a weekish after we moved. We got a new doctor and so far he seems pretty awesome. He weighs 18.7lbs which puts him in about the 3rd %ile and seems to be growing steadily on his own chart he has made for himself. Our new doctor isn't worried about him since he is growing, he's just going to be little.
4. More Conner, man you'd think he was like my whole life or something, So we got a water softener free month trial. There was a nice little man (well not very little) going door to door promoting a free month try of a water softener. The only reason, other than the man was very nice, was that Conner has SUPER bad eczema and has since he was about 2 months old and I had heard that water softeners help. So I figured a month trial would be PERFECT to see if it actually does. Consensus: I think it's working! His skin has never looked better. He still has a few problem spots but over all I am pretty happy.
5. We (Me and Rusty) celebrated our 5 year anniversary on June 28. Man, that went by (kinda) fast! and we still kinda like each other! That's tons better than the national average! Even though he will probably never read this and I personally think it's silly for people to declare their love for someone people online I'll do it anyway. Thanks for being such an awesome husband and daddy. I love you SOOOOO much!
6. wow this is becoming a really long post. Kudos to those of you who made it this far! I know that I promised pictures of the new house when we moved in and I know that I have had ample amount of time to take them, but I don't have any. well I do but they all have Conner's toys all over them. I never think to take a picture when it's actually clean. So my goal, aside from blogging more often, is to take pictures of a clean house and post them on here. PLUS we have about a million couches. (no I am not scared of couches and when there are a large number of them I am unable to physically take a picture) I don't know how it happened but all of the sudden our house looks like the furniture section in DI. We started out with our old crappy love seat that we had in all of our little apartments and then Rusty's brother gave us an old couch of his. Well we also promised ourselves that once we got a bigger place we would get a new couch because even though we are both abnormally short, a love seat just doesn't cut it. So we went to Ashley Furniture because they are having their super cool sale and bought a couch. THEN my Parents offered us their old couch and chairs from when I grew up. The couch that Rusty's bro kindly gave us is great to look at but has a very magical smell of doggy liquid that I just can't quite get out. So we accepted my parents offer with the intent to take the doggy couch and our memory filled love seat to the DI. But before we could they delivered our new couch and Ta-Da! we have 4 un-matching couches, 2 chairs, lots of conner toys, and a partridge in a pear tree. Which to go back to my origional point, having all of that stuff doesn't make very good pictures.
Phew, I had no idea it would be that long. I think I'll just stop there and give you a little break. Thanks for reading!!!! and maybe pictures will come soon!!! (that is if anybody wants a couch)
end of Basketball and more.
6 days ago
We are so happy for you guys! We can't wait to come and visit you at your new house. :) Congrats on the 5 years and for still liking each other. We love you guys and think you are perfect for each other! Conner is a great addition too!