Monday, May 14, 2012

All Aboard the Potty Train!! (toot toot)

So I think it's finally that time...Time to start Potty Training! I have been told that the most important thing about starting potty training is not to start until they seem really ready. Conner just wasn't interested at all...until about 2 weeks ago.

For the past 2 months or so I've been letting him explore the potty. He'd put the seat up and down, put toilet paper in it, and we'd even put his solid enough poop from his diapers in it and let him flush it away (as he waved goodbye to it. so cute) But he wouldn't sit on it for the life of him (I'm sure he just though it would eat him up. I can't really blame him) But the past few weeks he's been going through his naked stage. At first I just couldn't keep clothes on him, but then he figured out how to take his diaper off. oh no! so he'd run around completely naked for a little bit until one day he peed on the wall. I think it scared him so much and after that he's been much drier in the mornings and now when he takes his diaper off he says "poot" and wants to sit on the big potty! (not that he ever goes, but we sit on in for about 4 seconds) He even came up to me about a week ago and said "tinky bum" and waved his hand back and forth by his bum. haha! and sure enough it was dirty. So I let him pick from 3 potties on-line and he picked the Ducky Potty! It came over the weekend so we officially started today!

Every child has to have this blackmail pic of them. So here's his.

He's a blinker!
Exploring his new potty.

Yay. So excited! wish us luck!!
Maybe it was just beginners luck but this morning he sat on the potty (and he sat for probably 2 minutes. I think that might just be a world record of sitting still for him) and he got a little out!!! I think it did scare him a little bit so we did a little dance and high fives and fist bumps and it got him so excited!

For all you moms, or anyone in general, who know about potty training what worked, or didn't work, for you? I'll take all the advice and ideas anyone will give!!


  1. How cool. That potty looks neat. Good luck!

  2. What a fun potty! Good luck with everything!! Since you asked for advice, I'll give it :)
    The first 3 days are the hardest! If you can get through them it gets better, I promise. What we did is put our kids in underwear right away- more accidents to clean up at the beginning (and be prepared for them), but I think being in diapers confuses them. We still kept them in diapers at night for the first 2-3 nights though. Have Connor drink lots of juice or water all day long and just set the timer for every 5-30 min, depending on how often he goes. Then hopefully he'll go in the potty. Watch movies, read books, sing songs, whatever you can think of to keep him entertained while sitting on the potty. Don't get mad when he has accidents, just tell him it made elmo(or whoever is on his underwear) sad.
    I think it's great that you started on a Monday! That's the best day to start because then by Sunday, you should know about how often he goes and then hopefully he won't have any accidents at church. Good luck!!!!!

  3. We raided our local library for Potty books. Kendal loved that the characters in the books were also potty training. Reward system; we started with stickers, and it turned into treats (mini m&m's, smarties). Fun underwear. Kendal adored having underwear with her favorite cartoon on it. Patience; (me more than Kendal some days) potty training takes time. There will be many ups and downs. Same as comment above, you'll feel like you're taking them every 15 min. the first couple of days; but after a few days you get to slack off and they start picking it up on their own. Give him time and he will be successful! Good luck!

  4. Woohoo! I've thought about getting Ashlyn started multiple times. I wish you luck, and hopefully I can take in this advice as well for that big day in our lives.

  5. Oh that is just so cute!! And what a good mom you are- starting early with the blackmail pictures :)

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