Monday, May 7, 2012

My Bump is Almost to the HUMP!

Guys, do you realize that I am one week and 2 days away from being Half Way Done with this pregnancy! What the heck! It has totally flown by so much faster than with Conner. Weird. Anyway, I figured that I'd update on how the pregnancy has been going since the big announcement.
A very much anticipated picture of growing me. I feel like I'm way bigger in this pic than I am in real life, and no, I'm not just fishing for people to say "Oh my gosh your not big at all!" blah-dy blah, I'm just saying that in this case the camera really did add 10 lbs of baby to me. But then again maybe I'm just unaware that all of my mirrors are those crazy vanity fun house mirrors and have been lied to for years.

Anyway, other than looking bigger than I think I am, everything is going pretty well. I'm on medication for my BP that I have to take morning and night. I don't really like it because it makes me feel suuuper icky. (tired, dizzy, congested, feeling like bugs are crawling on my scalp, things like that) But it's not as bad as when I first started taking it so maybe it will continue to get better. I told my doc at my last apt and she said that aside from the bug thing (which unfortunately can be a side affect of the meds) many of my symptoms are also just symptoms of being pregnant. So it's probably a mix of the two.

But it seems to be helping a lot. I monitor my BP 2-3 times a day and it is consistently very low (average of 110/65. remember 120/80 is normal and it WAS 150something/95!) But still every time I go to the docs office it's high. I think they just scare me there or something. They're pretty frightening people those nurses, let me tell ya.

In other news, last weekend Rusty took me shopping for an early Mother's Day present of a new maternity wardrobe since I am getting hugely maternal right now. hooray! Since I was preggo with Conner for most of the winter I didn't really want to have only long sleeves and pants to choose from this summer.
I was able to add to my M wardrobe 4 new tops, a pair of Capri's where the waist band  goes to my boobs and my favorite find of the day were these stretchy pajama jeans knock off skinny jeans! ya'll know how I love my skinny jeans!! (even though when I was 12 I swore to my mom that I would never wear any pants that went little at the bottom. EVER! Guess that's why you never say never) They are all so comfy comfy that I want to wear them for-ev-or.
What else? Oh, morning sickness is pretty much gonzo. There are a few mornings that I'm still an itty bitty bit sick but nothing too bad. Conner still likes to spit in the toilet though and now thinks you have to put your hands on the back of your neck when doing so (because I hold my hair back) which is pretty silly.

We have the BIG ULTRASOUND set for May 21 (that's in exactly 2 weeks!! You can submit your guesses now. I'm kinda feeling girl, but who the heck knows?)  Rusty's pretty darn terrified if it's a girl. So thanks to all of you who have told him that girls are SOOOO much harder and way more emotional, even as babies, than boys. You have officially freaked him out.

This past week I have also started to feel the first ninja moves of this little one, which I have to admit is my very most favorite part about being pregnant. They're still really faint but I can start to tell when it's really the baby and it's amazing!! It makes all the bugs crawling on my head totally worth it!

Well I was going to write more but Conner just came in and wants to help, which is no help at all, so I think that's my cue to wrap things up!


  1. It is true... girls are much more emotional, even at a young age. At 18 months Kolee already knows how to throw herself on the bed and cry like the world is crashing down. It is dramatic, but hilarious at the same time. She has NEVER seen me (or the boys do this.) It just comes with the territory. I don't think girls are harder... to me ALL babies are hard :)Whatever you have, you will love him/her and wonder how your love just keeps growing for each child you have.

  2. I feel like all I every comment on your blog is that you're so funny, but you ARE! I want to live by you!!!

  3. I will stick up for baby girls and tell you that Anna is just a doll. And Mark loves her to pieces (and so do I)... even though she IS a little more volatile emotionally. She is still very mellow, like Paul was, but Paul switched moods much more slowly (until he hit the tantrum stage). Anna's mood changes are fairly instant. I think it has more to do with personality than boy-girl difference, but as they are the only babies I've had, I can't really say... Either way, congrats again :)

  4. I have one of each so I can honestly say... there are pro's and con's to both. Brynlee is our angel child, SO mellow, always has been, and even though she is 3, she is still the sweetest girl I know. So I don't really agree with that WHOLE EMOTIONAL dramatic thing. Definitely hope there for Rusty and his fears. :) NOT ALL girls fit the "mold", just as NOT ALL boys fit the "mold". Good luck! I believe whole heartedly we are sent the babies we are meant to have, and we love them no matter what the gender... because they are ours! :)
